Sparking Change in the Trucking World

Apr 15, 2024

A new era is dawning on the transportation sector as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes a groundbreaking regulation targeting carbon emissions from large trucks.

Traditionally seen in tram and train systems, overhead cable (or catenary) systems are now being introduced on roadways as electrified highways.

Initiatives like Germany’s eHighway and trials near Los Angeles are testing the feasibility of these cables in powering electric trucks over long distances, offering continuous charging in designated lanes. In Sweden and Utah, inductive charging technologies are being integrated into roads, paving the way for heavy-duty electric trucks to charge while in motion.

While the vision is compelling, ongoing trials are grappling with technical challenges such as infrastructure durability and energy capacity to meet the demands of heavy freight transport.

China’s approach of replacing drained batteries with fully charged ones aims to alleviate range anxiety, providing almost instant power renewal. However, concerns regarding standardization, cost efficiency, and potential limitations on battery size and weight raise doubts about its long-term feasibility.

While the path to electrification presents various challenges, experts unanimously stress the urgent need for the freight industry to transition towards more sustainable practices.

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