AMPP Selects Jay Dorst, Atlas Principal Engineer to Help Develop New Coating Certification Requirements

Oct 14, 2022

The Association of Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), a leading global corrosion and coatings community, recently assembled a group of experts to revamp the internationally recognized Basic Coating Inspector and Certified Coating Inspector requirements.

AMPP gathered nine forward-thinking professionals — with strong backgrounds in coating inspection, coating systems specification, and failure analysis — to design two new course curriculums and exam questions.

One of the invitees was Principal Engineer, Jay Dorst.

“We reviewed and developed the blueprint for the material that will be included in the certification exams for candidates wishing to obtain certification as coating inspectors,” Jay said.

But they first had to weigh what factors were more important than others. That is, what exactly are the differences between level-one basic and level-two certified?

“Our goal was to categorize and determine the areas of emphasis that a coating inspector, at various certification levels, should be able to answer. The scope of knowledge and the level of expertise of a Basic Coating Inspector and a Certified Coating Inspector was established during our workshop.”

It was a four-day affair, and Jay’s seat on the panel means Atlas currently represents 10% of the global experts who set the industry standard.

Well done, Jay.

Bahjat Dagher

Jay Dorst

Principal Engineer

Mr. Dorst has over 39 years of experience in the Testing and Inspection industry and serves as the National Practice Team Manager for Forensics and Structural Investigations at Atlas Technical Consultants. He has provided consulting to major public entities, including Caltrans and the California High-Speed Rail Authority, focusing on source inspections, quality assessments, document and submittal reviews, and oversight of contractor quality control (QC) activities.

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